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Whitney Houston Concert In Copenhagen:Fans Walk Out


I love Whitney Houston, infact no matter what anybody says, i just adore her....ok...yeah...what the h*ck!...i might not like her latest affort as far as music is concerned but she is still my Whitney and she will ever be my diva...despite the fact that she was booed out of stage in a Concert In Copenhagen:...Fans Practically Walked Out – Whitney Houston’s attempted comeback tour has hit a number of hitches in recent weeks. Her voice has been faltering, and cutting in and out since the beginning of the tour prompting a number of her fans to walk out on their tickets. She performed a show in Denmark over the weekend, and a large portion of the crowd decided to go home after it became clear that the Whitney Houston show that they wanted to see would not be able to happen on that night.

The tour has received a number of poor reviews, and if she can not get her voice under control soon she may have to cancel gig. She was recently hospitalized in April with a number of nose and throat problems that could be contributing to her singing issues. She was booed during one performance in Houston because she was unable to sing on key.
She even got into an argument with a section of the crowd that starting yelling when she gave a dedication speech to Michael Jackson.
Critics of Houston have had a lot of ammo in the past weeks, and some have even said that they believe that the R&B diva should hang it up. By all accounts, she appears to be lethargic on stage compared to the inspiring artist that she used to be.

Houston  Houston
“She looked and sounded like a person who doesn’t have many years left to live. At the end of the show she looked like she was ready to explode,” said one journalist who had gone to the tour in order to review her show. Some have stated that her recent problems singing could be related to drug use earlier in her life