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Selena first time cover experience!!

Selena Gomez was so excited to finish her first cover shoot that she jumped on MySpace to update everyone!!
Selena writes, “i just finished up my first cover!! i was honored to be on the cover of Teen Vogue in the June/July issue which is my birthday!!! i have been subscribed to this magazine for 3 years and when i got a call asking if i could be on one of their covers this year i cried and freaked out! i cant wait for you guys to see it, i talk about you all in the issue and how you are the reason they even called me, so thank you, thank you, thank you ”
She also says that once she gets done in Puerto Rico she will be heading to Vancouver, her second fave place in the world. “i spent 3 months there last year and now i will be spending another couple of months there shooting Ramona! I cant wait to go back so if you live in Canada i cant wait to see you guys!!”
“Also i wanted to let you guys know that i’ve been visiting a lot of your pages and have gotten some amazing music from your pages… you all have some incredible taste in music. Hope you dont mind if i have taken some for myself lol”