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Selena happy in Canada

Currently filming her new flick in Vancouver, Selena Gomez popped in on her MySpace for a very reflective entry.The 16-year-old Wizards leading lady writes, “I feel that Canada has made me the happiest I’ve been in a while. Being honest going to work on a project that doesn’t have Disney Channel in the title was a little scary for me, there were no Disney kids here with me. Was that good? Was that bad? I’ve come to the conclusion that its both.”“I’ve been surrounded by the most amazing people, adults and kids. There’s the classiest woman ive ever met who always makes me smile (Bridget Moynahan), the funniest guy who can make the best out of every situation and makes us ALL laugh (John Corbett), a little girl who is wise beyond her years and makes me pray and sing with her when I’m having a bad day (Joey King) and from our cast to our crew I’ve learned so much already. Thank you.“Being surrounded by all of these people who have WAY MORE experience and have been through so much more than I can imagine made me realize how little my riffs were. I really have nothing to complain about or be miserable for. -Everything happens for a reason- I walked off set to get back to the hotel and saw three little 8 yr girls waiting outside and I got hit with yet another realization… no matter what, my fans ALWAYS make me smile. Honestly, there is no such thing as a ‘bad day’ when I encounter a fan, its just beautiful“I’m having such a great time working on this film and being away.. it was well needed hope you and all of your families are doing well! God Bless…Forgiveness
Is the mightiest sword
Forgiveness of those you fear
Is the highest reward
When they bruise you with words
When they make you feel small
When it’s the hardest to take
You must do nothing at all…– Jane Eyre.
-SELENA. I love you.