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Selena's album news, stuffs.

Check out the several stuff of Selena from her album. She just released her album cover on twitter. And, her album cover looks so catchy and can easily make you understand the album name. But frankly speaking I am a big Selena fan, but the album cover is low from the exceptaton. I liked the cover of Falling Down but more than the main coveer. Rating: 8.5/10.


Rather then this her single 'Falling Down' just rocked, it looks so amazing and I just liked it. Its was just prfect to start a new Album. Rating: 10/10... You can download the song too here.

After this I just added 2 fonts of the album. Check all the things out. I will just have a new layout tomorrow and it be on the new album of Selena. In the album of Selena, dont forget to see the prmire of Wizards of Waverly Place:the movie... on August 28th...