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Kiss and Tell review

This is it.! Selena and the Scene's Kiss and Tell has leaked. I didnt wanted to download the album as a Selena fan but i am actually a citizen of India and so like it may be possible that the album doesnt arrives, thats why i downloaded it. If you truly are a fan of Selena and a Citien of USA then I pled that you please buy the album that comes out on 29th Sep to support Selena. So here is the review just teling what all the songs tell and extra things
I am totally splendid with the album. The songs, the energy, the lyrics, the message, the passion, the song- the Selena has proved everyone worng that she has to power to flaunt and sing. The album has is the most perfect album to have in your room. So do bring the CD.
Fav Songs: Whole album is my fav and can say that the album will be liked by everone. My fav's' will be: 'More' beacuse it is the tapping, energetic and a song that everyone can relate to. Then it is 'Naturally' another dance on the floor song and a great song. Truly a perfect song. 'I Promise You' is the song that is truly to my heart, very soothing, good tunes and very lovely song. Selena has given full justice to Song. ' I Wont Apologize' is not a dance song but starts with a bang. I like this song because major of people sitting there may depend on this song. Good tuning, great song, goog music=excllent song.
Other song like Crush, Tell me something I dont know, Stop and Erase and I Dont Miss you at all (its great, it rocks) are the sons that are my fav.
Stars: 4.5/5 (I have less .5 star because the just because of the album cover; the whole abumb is then splendid)

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>>> (Fan made cover)