Quoting Carrie Fisher
Wow! I mean, my feeling about John has always been that we know and we don’t care [that he's gay]. Look, I’m sorry that he’s uncomfortable with it, and that’s all I can say. It only draws more attention to it when you make that kind of legal fuss. Just leave it be
Carrie Fisher
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John Travolta can’t hide anymore. Everybody knows and says that he’s gay. Which is really great. But maybe, despite the fact that he’s married with a woman, he should come out of the closet.
Recently, Travolta’s “friend” Carrie Fisher was asked by ‘The Advocate’ to comment on the persistent rumors surrounding John’s sexuality. “Wow! I mean, my feeling about John has always been that we know and we don’t care. Look, I’m sorry that he’s uncomfortable with it, and that’s all I can say. It only draws more attention to it when you make that kind of legal fuss. Just leave it be”, she said.
Ok...really i feel a bit awkward about it...you know...let me break this down...ok, lets think for a second that it's true the guy is gay, do you think it's right for your friend to be the one to 'out you'?