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Serena Williams’ Stalker Arrested

Twitter is a stalker’s paradies….

Serena Williams probably can rest easier at night knowing that a male fan who has had a habit of stalking her is now in custody. The 40-year-old man, Patenama Ouedraogo, was arrested around 2:00am, May 3, at Serena’s Palm Beach Gardens home in Florida while she was attending the MET Gala in New York City. He attempted to trespass onto her property but was stopped by her private security guards and police were called.

Serena’s security team was well aware of Patenama as he has went through leaps and bounds to contact her, even entering buildings and getting pass security by saying that he was her assistant. He also tried to contact her while she was visiting her agent, claiming that he wanted to help promote her clothing line in Africa but was refused access to the building. When she recently visited a radio station in Hollywood, he was given access to her dressing room, but when it was found out that he wasn’t who he claimed, he was escorted off of the premises.
He admitted to officers that he kept tabs on Serena and had tracked her down by following her Twitter account. When they arrested him, he was found with a love letter he had written to Serena stating that he was in love with her, he felt they were soul mates, and that he knew she loved him as well.

He is still under police custody on $25,000 bond, and is charged with stalking and cyber stalking. If he makes bail, he will immediately be placed under house arrest.
