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Usher’s Sons (Usher Raymond V and Naviyd Raymond) Join Him on Stage in Orlando! [VIDEO]

Usher R Orlando stills 011 e1304443254391 Hot Shots: Usher Celebrates Bring You Kids To Work Day
Aww!! R&B superstar Usher celebrated national “Take Your Child to Work” day last Thursday (Apr 28) by having his sons, 3-year-old Usher Raymond V and 2-year-old Naviyd Ely Raymond, join him onstage at the Amway Arena in Orlando, Florida.

Peep the adorable footage below:

“Life can weigh you down, but children pump blood back into your heart,” Usher told press recently. “Their innocence gives you a reason to be open-minded, and they reignite your love for life. My life isn’t the typical one, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be a traditional father, in my own way. My tradition is loving, being available for my kids. I didn’t have that from my father, so having it will give them greater potential.”

awwwwww...ain't that so touching!!!