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“No man ever became great or good except through many and great mistakes.” W. E. Gladstone
The above quote from William Edwart Gladstone, the British liberal statesman and Prime Minister hints on the importance of the things we consider as unfortunate and mistakes in our lives.

Many are times when we have enduringly crippled our lives as a result of certain mistakes we have made. Our reluctance to get ourselves out of our own self pity when we made mistakes curtails any progress we seek in life.

It is inevitable as human beings to take our minds and strength through self pity and disappointment when we make substantial mistakes in our lives. However, the length of time we spend howling to ourselves and others as a result of our mistakes does not denote how regretful we are but to a larger extend, it denotes how feeble we are and how averse we are to seek for alternative means of progress.

Should we continue to lament and push our dreams out of the windows because we have taken unfavorable steps or made mistakes in our efforts to attain livelihood satisfaction?
Mistakes are integral constituent of life which present the necessary pause needed to make reflections as we journey through life. As we race each other in life to attain success, many things change during our time of race and it is when we make mistakes that we give our race a break for reflection.
Instead of using our break to reconsider the changes and alterations we need to make in other to achieve our goal, we detain ourselves in self pity and blame ourselves for that which if properly considered, would make as great.

Every successful man on his way to success met mistakes. Our ability to recondition our minds and jump off from our mistakes is that which brings the greatness we seek. We cannot become great or good in our chosen fields except through great and many mistakes.

We should bear in mind that perfection and success are difficult tasks which can only be attained by several attempts caused by mistakes upon mistakes. Let us brush our mistakes over our shoulders, take a deep breath and jump up to continue our race in becoming great men.

As we go through this week, let us remember that mistakes are signs of greatness. The more you make them, the more you would learn and the more you learn, the greater you would become. Good Morning Readers and have a great week

This is going to be a regular feature on this blog...personally, i have been going through stuffs lately...and most times, its almost difficult pulling through, especially when you dont have people handy to encourage you, motivate you or even inspire you...

I have made up my mind to share some of my 'times' with you...and in all, encourage you...

Some of you have also written to me on sharing your stories here on the blog...please feel free to send them in...

God Bless you and have a great week ahead!