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Congrats: Shirley Frimpong Manso Recognized By BBC, Invites Her For Talks About Her Works & Influences In The African Movie Industry Among Other Things…

Shirley Frimpong-Manso- AMAA Best Director of the Year 2010

Just few weeks ago Genevieve Nnanji was featured on CNN Connector.
After Genny's interview, i silently wondered if which African Actor or Actresses has the potential to make it next to such an international platform.
Especially from Ghollywood[well if you do't know why Ghana came to mind, well, i will tell you (:-
am a mixture of Nigeria, Ghana and the, you get my drift now?...(:-]
Various names like Jackie Appiah, Nadia Buari, Majid Michel and others flooded my mind...of course, even in Nollywood, i was also hoping that another name will pop up soon...

Little did I know that BBC World Services had already recognized, appreciated and acknowledged the wonderful works of scriptwriter/Director Ms Shirley Frimpong Manso in the African Movie Industry.

Yesterday, the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation World Services) invited Shirley Frimpong Manso for an exclusive interview as part of their on-going recognition of remarkable individuals in the Entertainment industry who have won awards around the world for 2010 among other things.

Two days Prior to Shirley Frimpong Manso’s interview, the BBC had a similar chit chat with the 2010 Oscar Best Documentary Award winner “Fisher Stevens from the Cove”. It is refreshing to know that one of our own [African] (Ms Shirley Frimpong Manso) was chosen by the BBC as they looked at the African Entertainment industry.
Maybe another person from Africa would be considered in the future by the BBC for this their on-going 2010 remarkable World Entertainers in focus from Africa but for now, it is all about Shirley…

At the BBC world service studios, the 2010 Best African Movie Awards (AMAA) Director in response to questions from BBC talked about her movies like The Perfect Picture, the direction and focus of her movies, the prospects of the African movie industry, a newly mother striking the industry with amazing movies, etc.
The ace Director’s chit chat with the BBC will be aired on BBC World Services across the globe somewhere around Christmas. I'll surely update you with the exact time and date when it is communicated to media men around the Globe.
Photos of Shirley Frimpong Manso at the BBC studios will be published on here in the next couple of days for you to catch a glimpse so keep watching this space.

I will personally like to take this opportunity to congratulate Ms. Shirley Frimpong Manso for the good work done and wish her all the best.